明治時代につくられた旧万世橋駅の赤レンガ高架橋が2013年9月、商業施設として生まれ変わった。JR中央線の線路と線路の間にガラス張りの飲食席があるカフェ「N3331」/山形の食材を活かした定食が楽しめる「フクモリ」/スペシャルティコーヒーの店「OBSCURA COFFEE ROASTERS」/約60種類の塩辛と酒が楽しめる「駿河屋賀兵衛」/北欧ヴィンテージ家具・雑貨を中心に揃える「haluta」/リーズナブルかつ美味しいワインが買える「VINOSITY domi」/「蛤SOBA」が有名なラーメン店「むぎとオリーブ」/和×洋のオリジナルスウィーツ「NOAKE TOKYO」/昼夜でスタイルの違うチャイニーズバル「Chef’s Kitchen Studio 『#51』」/7種の常陸野ネストビールが楽しめる「常陸野ブルーイング・ラボ」など。
The red brick highway of former Manseibashi station, that was built in Meiji-era, was transformed into this retail facility in September 2013. Café N3331that is located between two rail tracks/ FUKUMORI that set menu made with ingredients from Yamagata-prefecture/ OBSCURA COFFEE ROASTERS’ specialty coffee/ SURUGAYA KAHEI that serves over 60 types of pickled seafood and alcohols/ haluta with Nordic vintage furniture and goods/ VINOSITY domi provides delicious wine at a reasonable price/ mugi to olive famous for clam ramen that was even recommended by Michelin guide/ NAOKE TOKYO a sweet terrine specialty shop with Japanese/Western crossover/ Chef’s Kitchen Studio #51 serves different style of Chinese cuisine for lunch and dinner/ Hitachino Brewing Lab. presents 7 types of Hitachino Nest Beer.